Kids Experiences, Day 1 & 2

The First Day Blog from Students!


Jake: Hi mom, hi dad! Its me as I hope you know, and I am looking forward to the big zip line today. Even though it has been raining, it has been warm and some of the views are beautiful. The food is amazing and we have gotten snacks from supermarkets. I tried a really good drink called sour something, (oops I can’t remember the last part of the name!) The flights were decent and I tried to sleep because I was so tired, but when we got to the hotel I slept like a rock. So far everything is going great!! I love you and hope everything is well! Tell Oliver I say hi!!!


Clay: Hey everyone! So far, I’ve been really enjoying the CR trip. The place looks beautiful, the people are really nice, and, most importantly, the food is incredible! The chicken casado was one of the best things I’ve ever tasted, and I might’ve gotten a new chin from the breakfast but who cares! It tasted delicious! Hope you all are doing great!


James: Hi mom and dad. Right now where about to go zip lining. You probably know that I’m really scared and don’t want to do it, but I might anyway. I love you, bye.  


QuincyHola Madre y Padre it’s me your child Quincy. In the times that I’ve been here I’m having an amazing time. We went to markets to get snacks we had great lunch’s and dinners. Today we had a good breakfast I tried papaya wasn’t to into it. Now where on our way to the place where going to be zip lining and I’m super excited. Love you, bye.


Forrest: Hi mom, we are currently on the bus headed to zip lining and I’m really exited. We ate a bunch of amazing food yesterday and a great breakfast today. It has been raining most of the time we have been here but it feel really refreshing when we would walk outside. See you soon!!


Walker: I’m ag mis amigos.  


Bella: Hello strange family! Its me, your child, Bella. So yesterday I did not sleep on either flights or on the bus so you can imagine I was exhausted when we got to the hotel, which is probably why I slept the best I had in months last night! It has been pretty rainy which is great considering I loooooovvveeee the rain. Also the food here is amazing! So far the meals we have had have consisted of rice, beans, and chicken. I hope you all are doing well and I love you. Also tell Sophie, Ollie and Mochi I say hi and that I am not dying!


  1. Hola, Walker! I'm going to need a little bit more information next time. Take pity on your poor, communication-starved mother, please! xo Love you.

  2. Hey Forest! Sounds like things are going well. I'm already jealous hearing about the delicious food! Hope you take some notes so you can cook me something yummy when you get back. I can't wait to hear about your day of ziplining and hopefully you got to see some of the birds you wanted to.
    Bella dog keeps looking for you..
    Love and miss you already too much! Look forward to seeing some more pictures and hearing about your adventures. Adios my boy. XXOO

  3. You only live once, try it conquer your fears, I would be scared too. No regrets.

  4. We love hearing and seeing your updates! More, more!

  5. Hey Q its mom. Glad you are having a great time. Your dad and I love you. And we are so greatly you are having this experience


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